Monday, December 3, 2007

Movie vs. Play...

Honestly, i don't know for sure. I can, however, tell my opinions on both. The play is what we originally started the whole story with, so i automatically assiciate Hamlet with the book that i hold on my hands. However, the movie does pop into my mind as we review parts from the story. The movie does assist greatly in my understanding of some of the lines spoken in the original text. Sometimes i picture things spoken differently than they are, but it helps with my understainding; usually. The director, i think, does a very good job at capturing the tine of the story with most lines. Others, however, i believe are meant to be worded differently, which may then not actually be the directors' fault, but may due to the freedom granted in the art of acting. Nonetheless, i do believe that in order to remember things better, even though out of order, the movie does a pretty good job at displaying that mood and setting of Hamlet. The one that that will always bug me about movie retakes though, is not sticking to the origianal order and form of the intended work. If i were a director, i don't care what would look best in my opinion. My goal is not to make something new with my creative ideas alone, but to base them off of someone else's. The one thing i like about books, however, is the freedom of creataivity that the reader has. Each person is able to visualize and create their own characters and places and things; that's the beauty of imagination.

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