Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Line 43 of 4.5...

okay, i think the assignment was to analyze line 43 of 4.5. Hopefully.
"Lord we know what we are, but know not what we may be." (43) Spoken by Ohelia in the midst of her madnes. I guess i'm sorta thrown off key by her madness; i wasn't expecting her to start acting like this. I guess i also don't know really know why... could this be an act too?? hm... anyways, i believe what this line means is that humans are usually concious of who they are or what they are; the fact that they are human beings, however, we are not always prepared for what we might become. allow me to expand. throughout life, i believe everyone changes, the question is, how far? I believe instances like this could cause madness to some, especially when casualties such as these occur more regularly. Also, this could lead one to believe that personalities could somehow morph into animal like characteristics. One would then be able to obtain the madness of an animal or something with qualities unexplainable.
-to be honest, i'm not sure what i'm talking about right now. i do know, however, that this quote seems to foreshadow something that is to come...

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