Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Interaction with Darkness...

before coming down to this dark, desolate room to stare into the eyes of this machine, i read to my mother the poem entitled "Adolensence II". She found it a very interesting piece, and began to explain her thoughts on it. I told her my class' opinion of what it all meant and she thought it all could be relevent. I however, came to conclude that her outlook could very well be the reality of the poem, if you will. She told me about her nights in the hospital. "alone, just me and my mind; it's a scary thing" she said. She believes that the worst things take place when other are sleeping, and you are left compltely alone and helpless, just you and your nightmare. She's had horrors erupt in her mind, and has lived to share them with me. i Shutter at the images she presents, and pray for her mid to release them, for her own mental sake. Images of pure and utter darkness, she explains, as in the poem. This girls interaction could be through the reality of a dream, and nothing more. The significance occurs as she interacts, or rather as the darkness interacts with her. Seals are dark shades of black and brown, with yes, sleek bodies, with is a scary term. Her interaction is limited, all she can do is not respond, to the question asked of her. It just began to make some sense. I noticed that when the seals left, there were holes in her, as if the seal men were a part of her, and sinse their absence, she is left with holes. Also, i noticed that she used the word "again" as she described her lack of respose, as if they'd already been with her. Maybe literal or symbolic, i don't know. Anyways, significance is that she knows them. she was nervous before they got there and had nothing to say, once again. they chuckle at her, or mocker her, as if using the term "history repeats itslef." Darkness surrounds her, and she is left alone, in the bathroom, just her, the holes, and the black of night.