Sunday, January 13, 2008

Why End on a Ship?

well.... the answer is because the ocean is so amazing. jk. well it is, but i think the reason for the movie to end this way is because of what the ocean means. The ocean is a vast world of blue. it's brought hundrends of thousands of sialors and seamen to their death. a journey on the water can be the beginning of the end of your life. it can swallow you whole, never to return. it can captivate you one minute with its calm beuty, and turn it's back on you the next. its mischievious and moody. i love it. The people on this ship were riding the ocean blue. headed for London, but they didn't know why. They were lost, so it seemed. and were inturupted by the oceans mafia; pirates. they are like allies to prtect and guard the sea, even though risky business is invloved. The sea can be the end, as it was for Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, or it can be the beginning, as it was for Hamlet in his escape. regardless, they were still on the sea. the being that brought their destiny and challenged their awareness. they lost.